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Facts You Don't Know About Kate Middleton

(England Twitter)-Days before the Royal Wedding, we’re easing Kate into the family by providing ten facts you might not know about the soon-to-be princess.

Kate likes to drink. Kate reportedly can drink William under the table. Royals correspondent Katie Nicholl says, “I’ve been at nightclubs with her where I’ve seen her (drinking with William) and do shot after shot, and she’s the one left standing and Prince William is the one who’s looking totally out of it.”

Kate is the oldest royal bride in history. That is, the oldest who has never been married before. Diana was only twenty when she married Prince Charles. If they’d have married in the U.S., she couldn’t even drink at her own wedding. And if there was ever a time to drink, I’d imagine it would be once you’ve married Prince Charles.

Kate was a possessive girlfriend. More than status, she was interested in keeping William at her side. “Kate’s not interested in position,” an insider said. “Her attitude is more like, William’s my man…There’s this incredible possessiveness, and she was damned if she was going to lose him to another girl.

Kate was teased by Prince William’s friends. William’s friends reportedly used to snicker and make snide comments at Kate, referencing her mom’s old career as a flight attendant.

Kate is related to George Washington. The New England Historic Genealogical Society said that Middleton is "an eighth cousin eight times removed to George Washington. Their common ancestor, Sir William Gascoigne, died in 1487."

Kate is related to Prince William. They are 12th cousins, once removed. The Daily Mail reported, “The common ancestor who links the two lovers is a murderous despot whose bloody deeds have been deliberately forgotten by history.” The dictator, Sir Thomas Leighton, died in 1610 and was William’s 12th generation great-grandparent and Kate’s 11th.

Kate has a brother—James Middleton. While everyone seems to be familiar with Pippa, you don’t hear much about Kate’s university dropout brother, who left school to become a cake baker. He once appeared in a tabloid photo dressed as a French maid.

Kate has always been a fashion icon. In 2006, The Daily Telegraph included her in it’s “most promising newcomer” list of style winners and losers.

Kate has threatened legal action against the paparazzi. During Kate’s 25th birthday in January 2007, media attention around Kate got so bad, Prince Charles, Prince William and Middleton's lawyers threatened legal action. In October 2005, she complained about harassment from the media, explaining through her lawyer that she had done nothing significant to warrant such publicity.