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London 2012 aim for £200m target with first Olympics tickets

Anything like me, you will have left it until the final weekend to submit your application for Olympic tickets.

With the first ticket sales phase closing at midnight on Tuesday, London 2012 have long expected the Easter holidays to be their busiest period so far.

Officials say their predictions were correct with high volumes of traffic on their website over the last four days. They add they are pleased with the response from the public over the course of the last six weeks.

But getting any real sense of how ticket sales have gone remains impossible, since London 2012 will not tell me how may applications have been received, how many tickets have been sold or even how many of the 645 separate sessions will have to go to a random ballot because they are oversubscribed.

All the press office will say is that there are a number of events for which the demand is greater than the supply of seats available. No surprise there then.