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Royal wedding:Reaction on Twitter

yesterday i watched the royal weddind full day wwwwwwwoooooow that was grrrrrrrrr8 i am extemely impressed with the british culture

gigizemlic Gigi Zemlic
omg the royal weddind was great i loved kates dress she looked amazing and her sister too.i hope that they live happily ever after

justmyhayley mi johnson williams
Im crying while watching the Royal Weddind! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!

_nikki_b nikki b
@Sheridansmith1 big fat gypsy royal weddind is repeated again tonight on ITV2 hun xx

dgreat_SGMedia Daniel H
There is certainly more going on in the UK than the Royal Weddind – the British Isles are infect.

PMo3121 Paden Morris
Everything trending is garbage about the damn royal weddind i would b #proudtobebritish too if America whipped my ass in the Rev. War to lol

KirstiePusscat Wendy Wright
@Schofe Just to say what a fantastic job your doing....You have the perfect cheery voice to compliment the Royal Weddind....Well done you
eric_jeanjean Eric Jean-Jean
Chez mon coiffeur : 7 personnes tassées devant un iPad pour suivre le Royal Weddind. Je n'arrive tjs pas a m'y intéresser. C'est grave ?
Tonipherous Tonipherous Laub
I recorded the royal weddind, instead of getting up to watch it. Is that bad? XD