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U.S. coverage of the wedding

(England Twitter)-For every American setting an alarm clock to go off before dawn Friday to catch the Royal Wedding, there is at least one curmudgeon glowering in a corner, eagerly waiting for the whole thing to be over.

US newspapers have reprinted scone recipes. Entrepreneurial vendors are hawking commemorative tea cosies and replicas of Kate Middleton's now-famous sapphire engagement ring.

God save me from the Queen. And from her progeny. And especially from their Wedding of the Century," she wrote in The Boston Globe this week.

Coverage has rankled some Americans like popular US television comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who antagonized this country's large contingent of Anglophiles with his recent remarks calling the whole event fake.

Still, even in this country besotted this week especially by everything having to do with the royals, there are Americans like writer Yvonne Abraham, who said she has heard all she cares to about the event.

Everyone's very excited about the royal wedding – it's just been mad here!" insisted Nicola Perry, owner of the New York-based British themed restaurant and shop Tea and Sympathy. "Not the Brits, but the Americans – they love it.