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From London: The Royals show

Wedding of the century? With 89 years to go (90 for sticklers), surely something more extraordinary will come along. An earthling will marry an alien, or the fretful warnings of the opponents of same-sex marriage will come true and a man will marry his dog. Until then, this is the big show.

Hello! magazine-reading monarchist to enjoy the show. It’s Jersey Shore with more money and a smattering of historical significance. If we can be invested enough to care whether Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell end up together at the end of Four Weddings and a Funeral, what’s not to like about two kids tying the knot in real life.

Royalty probably won’t even exist for William and Kate’s children, but until the institution no longer has the power to bind people together and stir civic engagement, it will endure. If nothing else, this Friday’s events merely represent an enduring conviction that prevails at every wedding: that this time maybe it will take.